Resource Library

Our Resource Library is a comprehensive collection of information related to every aspect of Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias. Here you will find carefully curated resources to inform and assist patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, and anyone seeking knowledge, awareness, and support for those affected by an Alzheimer’s or related dementia diagnosis.

GMNsights: Expert Clinical Insights in Dementia Care for your Patients. GMNsights is a 30-minute live webinar held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 12 noon. This free session offers 0.5 CME credits. To register for an upcoming GMNsights webinar, please visit: REGISTER


January 2022, Clock Drawing Test for Cognition, David Loring, PhD

September 11, 2022   Video

February 2022, Patient Care Presentation, Gabriela Cohen, MD

September 11, 2022   Video

March 2022, Cholineesterase Inhibitors in Primary Care, Carolyn Clevenger, DNP

September 11, 2022   Video

April 2022, The Long & Winding Road of Dementia, Stephanie Vyverberg, NP

September 11, 2022   Video

May 2022, Imaging Finding in Dementia, Amit M. Saindane, MD, MBA

September 11, 2022   Video

July 2022, The Development & Growth of GMN, Rebecca McIntosh

September 11, 2022   Video

August 2022, Interesting Case Findings from Emory’s Brain Health Clinic, Dr. Chad Hales, MD, PhD

September 11, 2022   Video

September 2022, The MoCA and Beyond, David W. Loring, PhD

September 23, 2022   Video

October 2022, Overview of Georgia’s Area Agencies on Aging & ADRC

October 26, 2022   172MB/Video

November 2022, Helping Older Drivers, Linda Hill, MD, MPH

November 22, 2022   Video

December 2022, New Anti-Amyloid Therapies, James Lah, MD, PhD

December 19, 2022   Video

January 2023, Care of Patients with Parkinsonism, John Morgan, MD, PhD

January 24, 2023   Video

February 2023, Timely Detection of MCI & Dementia In Primary Care, Malaz Boustani, MD, MPH

February 15, 2023   Video

March 2023, Guide to Staging Dementia in Primary Care, Carolyn K. Clevenger, DNP, RN

March 20, 2023   Video

April 2023, Why Early and Accurate Diagnosis Matters, Dr. Johnson

May 23, 2023   Video

May 2023, Memory Loss Prevention, Dr. Cohen

May 23, 2023   Video

July 2023, Role of Biomarkers in New Amyloid Therapies, Dr. Gabriela Cohen

July 20, 2023   Video

August 2023, Longitudinal Care of Persons Livings with Dementia, Dr. Lee A. Jennings

September 19, 2023   Video

September 2023, Neuroradiology Findings Helping with Differential Diagnosis: Case Presentations, Dr. Chad Hales

September 21, 2023   Video

October 2023, Palliative Care for Patients with Dementia, Debbie Gunter

February 9, 2024   Video

November 2023, How Care Partners Can Access Resources for Self-Care, Jenny Gay, LCSW

February 9, 2024   Video

December 2023, Mom is acting funny…Can we check her urine?, Dr. Ted Johnson

February 12, 2024   Video

January 2024, How to Interpret a Neurocognitive Assessment in Clinical Practice, Dr. Gabriela Cohen

February 12, 2024   Video

February 2024, Longitudinal Problem-Solving Strategies for Dementia, The Green Theory, Dr. Malaz Boustani

March 8, 2024   Video

March 2024, Agitation in Dementia, Carolyn K. Clevenger

April 10, 2024   Video

April 2024, Getting Permission to Assess Mental Status, Dr. Ted Johnson

April 18, 2024   Video

May 2024, Interested in Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease? Why Not Look in the Mouth? Kevin T. Hendler, DDS, FASGD

July 18, 2024   Video

July 2024, GUIDE-ing the Future: Launching a New Approach to Dementia Care, Gabriela Cohen, MC

July 18, 2024   Video

August 2024, Decisional Capacity, David W. Loring, Ph.D.

August 23, 2024   Video

September 2024, “Hey, I’m Worried About My Memory” Evaluation of a Patient Presenting with Cognitive Concerns, Stephanie Vyverberg, NP

September 18, 2024   Video

October 2024, What’s the Question Behind the Question?, Kalisha Bonds Johnson, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC

October 17, 2024   Video

November 2024, Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease with Plasma Tau, Dr. Chad Hales

December 17, 2024   Video

December 2024, What’s the Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Dementia?, James Lah, MD, PhD

December 17, 2024   Video

January 2025, Cognitive Assessment for Spanish Speaking Patients: Clinical Cases from Grady GMN Unit, Gabriela Cohen, MD

January 17, 2025   Video

February 2025, Beyond Routine: Smarter Preventive Care in Dementia, Ted Johnson, MD, MPH

February 21, 2025   Video