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Dan Goerke is Gold Standard for Providing Alzheimer’s Care
Dan Goerke’s wife, Denise, was in her 50s when she first showed signs of Alzheimer’s disease. She would have trouble navigating to meetings and would work all night on a project, only for Dan to check and see that she…
Social Worker and Policy Maker in Geriatric and Dementia Care Explains Why Whole Person, and Whole Family, Care is so Important
Dr. Lindsay Prizer is a public health researcher and clinically-licensed social worker with a background in neurology. During her career working with patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, she has developed a unique understanding of how important…
Health Economist Sees New Hope in Fight Against Alzheimer’s, Other Types of Dementia
Dr. Miranda Moore is an Assistant Professor in Family and Preventive Medicine at Emory University who has studied the health care workforce and its impacts on patient health. When it comes to caring for elderly populations, including offering patients services…
Caregiving During Crisis Survey
Please Share Your Insights With This Free Survey We’re building caregiving support classes and would value your input. Are you a Care Partner—sometimes called a Caregiver? Do you assist in the care of a family member or a loved one…
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Georgia Memory Net at a Glance
What is Georgia Memory Net and why does it exist? There’s so much information about Alzheimer’s and related dementias in Georgia, and how to diagnose and treat them, that it can become overwhelming. We’ve done our best to simplify the info into a clear one-page infographic.